In 2014, Church on the Rock was planting a new church in Kudou, near Beni in North Eastern Congo (DRC). A pastor had been sent there with his family to lead the church. Two weeks later, rebels attacked their village and slaughtered 28 people, among them the pastor and his wife. The pastor’s little children saw an axe being planted into their mother’s head.
The children later reported, “some white stuff came out from our mother’s head.” Their father was slaughtered and chopped with machetes behind their house.
Continue reading We are being suffocated, the Congolese cry for peace and freedom →
On 20th May 2022, the judiciary held it’s inaugural Day of Prayer and Fasting, coinciding with Martha Koome’s first anniversary as CJ. The theme of the day was God loves righteousness and justice, from Psalms 33:5. Clergy from different religions were present at the event that was held at the supreme court and simultaneously in courts across the country.
In the opening remarks, one of the judges said, “We are gathered in this solemn assembly to seek the face of God concerning the affairs of the judiciary.” She read 2 Chronicles 7:14, upon which they had gathered to pray for the healing of the judiciary.
Continue reading Is the Kenyan Judiciary on a spiritual journey? →
A few years ago, a plane took off from Juba with three planned stops in different parts of South Sudan. On arrival at the first location, the grass was too long on the airstrip and the pilot could not land. People were actually cutting the grass. He decided to go to the next airstrip and it was flooded because of heavy rains that had earlier pounded the area. They could not land. Looking at his calculations, the pilot realized that there was too much weight on board to reach the third airstrip.
Continue reading Mission Aviation Fellowship’s unique contribution to the great commission →
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