Category Archives: Governance and Leadership

Election: Our will or God’s will

The general election is upon us and that means another opportunity to participate in deciding who will lead us for the next five years. Even though Christians are divided along tribal and other lines, there’s still some discernment of God’s sovereignty in appointment of leaders.

The questions linger. Do we get the leaders that God chooses for us or does God let us choose leaders for ourselves? Are the candidates we elect on 9th August of God’s making? Or shall get the leaders we deserve, as people often say. If God chooses leaders for us, does it even matter if we vote?

Ours is a complex situation where either camp believes their candidate is the chosen one. But I also know many people who are genuinely confused about the will of God in this election.

Continue reading Election: Our will or God’s will

Is it possible to have peaceful elections in Kenya?

Violence is synonymous with elections in Kenya. There hasn’t been an election in the recent past where tensions didn’t simmer, boil over and eventually lead to deaths, including those of innocent children. The violence is of varied forms; hired goons by politicians, sore losers, criminals taking advantage of the mayhem and police using excessive force, firing stray bullets and killing innocent people.

It’s distasteful to the point that people temporarily relocate during elections. People go to their rural areas in fear that their neighbors of the other tribe could turn against them because of their competing candidates. Those who are privileged move their families out of the country for that period.

Continue reading Is it possible to have peaceful elections in Kenya?