Tag Archives: child

For the Boy child – a visit to Kamiti Juvenile Prison

I have always thought of going to prison, not to be locked up but to visit someone who is. The curiosity of knowing how it looks like behind those high walls and how inmates perceive freedom has always intrigued me. Maybe I have watched too many movies, but, that’s me.

So I got an opportunity to visit Kamiti Continue reading For the Boy child – a visit to Kamiti Juvenile Prison

For the boy child

What comes to your mind when you see people running in the morning or evening? Fitness probably, weight loss most likely, you almost feel the struggle they go through. You even pity them sometimes, especially the ones who don’t seem to keep up. It’s like they are struggling to reach somewhere we are all convinced they will not reach.

One such runner is James Ouma aka Jim Buttons, a quiet runner but otherwise quite a talkative gentleman. Nothing from his outside can prepare you for his story. He can pass for any other wannabe marathoner or someone running under a doctor’s prescription. But his is a run for the boys, the ones in the streets, the ones Continue reading For the boy child