Tag Archives: Mother Wound

The Trials and Tribulations of Wanjohi part II

You can read part 1 of this story here

While living the life in Mombasa, Wanjohi got sick. He had measles, but it was first misdiagnosed as malaria at an estate dispensary. He hadn’t been vaccinated against measles as a child and as an adult, it got him proper. He was sick, so sick that he couldn’t move or do anything for himself. Being alone in the house made it worse. He was dying. It’s the neighbors who took him to hospital after noticing unusual quietness in his house and the fact that he hadn’t been out, or brought any girls into the house.

Continue reading The Trials and Tribulations of Wanjohi part II

The Trials and Tribulations of Wanjohi part I

“What have you come here to do?” asked Wanjohi’s mother, astounded that her son was standing right in front of her. 

“I have come to visit my mum,” he answered. “You don’t come to visit us in ushago so I decided to come myself.”

“Who have you come with?”


Continue reading The Trials and Tribulations of Wanjohi part I