Tag Archives: christian

Running the good race

I follow athletics more than the average person, I think. I can tell a rising prospect, a declining legend and an unexploited potential.

When I first saw Kiptum run at the London marathon, I knew he was special. It was only his second major marathon, and he was already the second fastest in history. In his first marathon in Valencia some months earlier, he had debuted under 2.02, the third fastest time, which was simply astonishing.

He went on to break the record in Chicago in his 3rd major race, at only 23. Who does that? Most marathoners, like Kipchoge, started on the track and transitioned to marathon in their late 20s.

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Is the Kenyan Judiciary on a spiritual journey?

On 20th May 2022, the judiciary held it’s inaugural Day of Prayer and Fasting, coinciding with Martha Koome’s first anniversary as CJ. The theme of the day was God loves righteousness and justice, from Psalms 33:5. Clergy from different religions were present at the event that was held at the supreme court and simultaneously in courts across the country.

In the opening remarks, one of the judges said, “We are gathered in this solemn assembly to seek the face of God concerning the affairs of the judiciary.” She read 2 Chronicles 7:14, upon which they had gathered to pray for the healing of the judiciary.

Continue reading Is the Kenyan Judiciary on a spiritual journey?

My Father Through my Eyes – Chapter II

You can read Chapter 1 HERE

Thankfully, a friend offered me a job in industrial area. I was staying with friends and random people. At one point I stayed with some girls from Meru. I didn’t even know them but their compassion was familiar. I was moving on slowly; healing and starting to find myself.

Then I met another guy. I was 21, he was 2-3 years older than me, looked naïve like me, was patient with me and had a small nice place that he lived in. In my desperation, I found myself in the arms that showed me what looked like love. But I was also tired of being exiled by the Meru girls Continue reading My Father Through my Eyes – Chapter II

When Christians Lose to Pain and Suffering

There is a prayer that prompts more questions than answers for me whenever I hear it. The prayer goes something like this ‘God we thank you for the gift of life, there are those who wished to be alive but are not’. Others would be about thanking God for health because there are those in hospital beds who are unwell or thanking God for waking up in the morning because there are others who did not wake up.

I believe that most people say these prayers from their hearts and not to exude an inflated sense of self-importance. It is said innocently, not putting much thought to the other side of the coin. But for some reason, I can’t help but think about that person who died, that person who was not able to wake up or the one who is sick. Does it mean that they are on the wrong side of God?

And then it makes me think about the different kinds of suffering that people go through in this world; accidents, natural disasters, wars, sickness and others. There are those who survive and those who Continue reading When Christians Lose to Pain and Suffering

Gospel musicians or musicians who sometimes sing gospel music

Opinion is colossally divided about what we have come to know as ‘gospel music’. There is a big concern that most of the new school kind of gospel music is not really about the gospel. Many argue that it’s about performance, showbiz, fame and money. The old timers, especially in church are particularly disturbed, they don’t understand the ‘perversion of the sacred’ that is going on. Even people who vaguely understand Christianity have an opinion on this.

But I think we need to take a step back and think about the definitions, which is where we got it wrong in my opinion.

In all other professions people go about their business without being labelled Christian, gospel or secular except in music. There are no gospel lawyers, gospel teachers, gospel doctors, secular engineers or secular writers. But we have gospel musicians. Why? Continue reading Gospel musicians or musicians who sometimes sing gospel music

Why do bad things happen to good people? Part 2

The problem of thinking and writing about suffering is that you begin to notice it everywhere. The last few weeks have particularly been heavy for me. It is like my ‘suffering antennas’ have been elevated and now I see it more than before. Most news on TV have elements of pain and injustice, newspapers are filled with sensational headlines screaming about worsening conditions almost Continue reading Why do bad things happen to good people? Part 2

Kenyan or Christian first?

source: schaap.st.st/?p=35

The Friday night when President Uhuru Kenyatta was announced the winner of the presidential election was a conflicting night for me. Even before the certificate was given, I heard screams and cheers of celebration on the street outside our apartment. The celebration became louder once the final announcement was made. I went to the gate to witness the celebration and it was intense.

I have never seen so many people on our street at night, most of them in red. They shouted, screamed, sang, made all kinds of noises to make sure the message was heard, that their candidate had won. Motorbikes, lorries, matatus hooted as they were driven up and down the street. I did not realize that I live in a Continue reading Kenyan or Christian first?

Christians behaving badly

source: https://drhurd.com

Non-Christians in Australia behave better than Christians in Kenya. Those are not my words but the observation of an elderly Australian man I met recently who has lived in Kenya for the past 8 years. He has been frustrated by county and government officials and so far he has not been able to do what he came here to do. It was a coincidental meeting at a seminar in Nairobi. I sat next to him and as we talked during the break he mentioned that he lives in Kitale which is my hometown. My curiosity was aroused and I wanted to know more about him and what he does in Kitale.

So, this guy came to Kenya in 2008 with a friend who was doing some projects at Moi’s Bridge, Trans Nzoia County. He enjoyed his visit and decided he wanted to settle in Kenya. He went back home, packed his bags and a few months later he was in Kitale.

Most things were planned. He works with metal and so he wanted to use his skills to build footbridges in Continue reading Christians behaving badly